Veneers are a beautiful way for you to change your smile. When a patient who has veneers comes in, you can see them smiling from ear to ear with their gorgeous white smile, but know that some responsibility comes with that smile.
The disadvantages of having veneers are a few. The first being sometimes the tooth must be prepared in order to place veneer. This means that a small amount of enamel has to be removed from the tooth. This is typically not a problem for the teeth because the enamel is being replaced by porcelain.
Another disadvantage of having veneers is debonding. Many times veneers can debond from the tooth. This means that the cement fails, or that the bite is so hard that a veneer will actually pop off. If this happens, typically a temporary cement can be purchased from the drugstore until you can get to your dentist, but it might not happen at the most ideal times.
Another disadvantage of having veneers is that you have to be careful for them not to chip. I call this a disadvantage, but the truth is that people should be careful with their natural teeth as well. Sometimes people don't realize how delicate the enamel on your tooth can be. Sometimes it is even more delicate than the porcelain on the veneers and should be cared for with great caution. Never open anything with your teeth.
It is important to understand that although there certainly there can be possible issues that arise with having veneers implemented, there also is a great upside in the long run. In the end of course, it always comes down to the client's wants.
Are you looking to work with an experienced dental implants doctor? Call Implant Center Of Miami for a free consultation by calling (786)-755-3513 or emailing us directly at We're located on 1160 Kane Concourse, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, United States.