How Much Are Veneers?

Implant Center of Miami • October 9, 2019

How much are veneers? Veneers can be made of different materials and therefore the price can vary. The price can also vary by provider or location. 

What makes up a veneer

Let's start with material. Most commonly, the nicest veneers are made out of a porcelain material. There are many different types of porcelain. Emacs porcelain is highly functional and less likely to chip, whereas layered porcelain is highly aesthetic and more likely to chip. Porcelain is the nicest material that you can use for veneers, it is also the most expensive.

Resin and Composite veneers

Another material that is used for veneers is resin or composite veneers. Sometimes these are also called laminates. Resin or composite veneers can be made outside of the mouth or inside of the mouth. Resin or composite veneers tend to chip and stain frequently. 

Now resin and composite veneers are also much less expensive and a decent option if you're only planning on using them for one to two years. Which brings me to my next point. How long do these last? We will go over that in the next topic, but do know that a greater investment will actually last you much longer.

Other important factors

Another reason that veneers can be higher in price is the provider training. When the provider has to invest in training, that price may be reflected. Your best bet is to go with a provider who does veneers quite often and is able to do them rather quickly and not have to charge such a high price. Sometimes veneers can be become very expensive when a custom order is in place.

So whats it going to cost me?

So how much are veneers? Let's get down to the point. Veneers can be as little as $200 per tooth all the way up to $2,000 per tooth. The composite or resin veneers typically will be $2,500 for the six front teeth. Whereas the typical porcelain veneers will be around $950 per tooth. If a custom color order is in place and we must use layered porcelain and send to a customized laboratory, the veneers can be all the way up to $2,000 per tooth. It is best to talk to your veneer provider and ask him or her what is the best option for your smile, and what are your expectations.

Are you looking to work with an experienced dental implants doctor? Call Implant Center Of Miami for a free consultation by calling (786)-713-9290 or emailing us directly at We're located on 1160 Kane Concourse, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, United States. 

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